Walking in the Shadow of a Giant Slayer

Current Bible studies: Please click on any of the following Bible studies: Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God Walking in the Shadow of a Giant Slayer The Holy Spirit part 1 The Holy Spirit part II Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God part II Wearing The Armor Of God Tribute To My Mom Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God. part 3  Do You Know Who I Am> Now What? Child Like Fath / A Mustard seed of Faith Child Like Faith/A Mustard Seed Of Faith Part II   WHEN THE WELL IS DRY My Files Guest Book Blog


For The Sake Of Our Testimony


     In the book of Ezra , Cyrus King of Persia made a declaration that the exiled Jews in Persia could return to their homeland. They had been living in exile for 70 years. When the Babylonians conquered Jerusalem they plundered and burned the temple. They destroyed the walls around Jerusalem and took the jews into exile. They carried away all of the gold, silver, precious stones and the gold and silver bowls and utensils from the temple and from Jerusalem, capital of Israel. 

      In his edict, The Persian King released all of the implements of the Temple, 650 talents of silver and 100 talents of gold. A talent is about 75 pounds by our weight. 75 of pounds gold today  would be worth over 2.4 million dollars at $2000 an ounce. The King gave them 750 pounds of gold. What was given was no small amount.

     The amazing generosity of the King was unimaginable as was the sheer volume of these treasures. The King had realized that the God of Israel was the one and only God, creator of the universe and he was releasing them back to their homeland.

     The people who were released to their homeland were not the mighty men of King David their former great King or King Solomon’s  great army from their past. They were husbands and wives with their children. They carried millions of dollars of treasure on their journey to their homeland. 

     In Ezra 8:21-22, Ezra called for a fast for safety on their journey. For he said in verse 22

    “For I was ashamed to request from the King troops and horsemen to protect us from the enemies on the way. For we had said to the King “ the hand of our God is favorably disposed to all who seek Him. But, His power and anger is against all those who forsake Him”

     The king knew the God of Israel as the one true God and that is why he was releasing them to their homeland. How would it look if God’s own people could not trust Him. What kind of testimony is that? Their ongoing testimony was important.

     In my own life, I have a testimony of God’s power. I have been healed of cancer, released from the partying lifestyle of alcoholism and smoking, divinely protected and provided for my whole life. I am set apart and empowered for God’s service. I am a changed and transformed believer of Jesus Christ!  People watch Christians to see if their testimony of Jesus Christ is real. 

     In the 40 days leading up to the Jewish fall festivals,Rosh HeShonah , Yom Kippur and Sukkot, it is a time of self evaluation and conviction of the Holy Spirit. When I first learned this I thought, I try to confess my sins ongoing and did not place much importance to the 40 days of repentance. Along with the 40 days was also reading a couple chapters from the  Psalms each day.

     This year, as the 40 days went on, I have been convicted of many things that have both hindered me and set a bad example to others around me.

     Conviction is different from condemnation. Conviction brings me to repentance and to ask God to forgive me, asking Him to strengthen me to change my ways. Condemnation holds the sin over my head telling me I am powerless to resist repeating.

     Ezra and the people fasted and prayed and the Lord protected them on their journey home. He protected them as they rebuilt the `Temple and  the walls of Jerusalem. What they accomplished was a testimony of their faith. 

     Over the years I have learned that since I gave my life fully to Jesus that I am being watched.  

     When is Marty going to fall off the wagon? was said or “When is he going to fail and his former ways return?” 

     My continued testimony is an example of my faith and that God is real in my life. My wife and I have seen many of our siblings, cousins, aunts and uncles come to Jesus. We have seen both of our parents come to the Lord and not leave this earth without Him. The Holy Spirit draws them and convicts them, He uses His children as examples to help bring them in.

     My testimony is a changed life, I am not the angry young man I once was. These past 40 days have brought many things to mind where I have been a bad  example, (words and actions)  As they have been revealed I confess and repent before God. 

To those who have witnessed these things or I have hurt, I am sorry, Please forgive me. 

Like Ezra the Lord has been with me from the beginning, is with me now and will be with me until  the end. Let me tell you about my Jesus and what He has done. I am a changed man because of Him in my life, my life will never be the same. I pray that my example will testify of the salvation that only Jesus can bring.

Like it or not, we as Christians are being watched by those around us. When we come to Christ, He loves us just as we are with all of our flaws, but He love us to much to leave us that way.

I pray that all who read this will be drawn to Jesus in their lives. Be Blessed



Who’s in Charge?


     I had a dream recently, and in that dream the Lord took me through many decisions I had made in my youth. Many were about classes I had taken and why I chose them. Classes like trig, geometry, chemistry, Spanish and so on. For the most part I did not have good reason or explanation.  As I became an adult and returned to the Lord, I realized many of the decisions concerning ministry, were based on my personal likes, dislikes and my talents. I was usually drawn to what I was good at or what pleased me. I don’t remember ever asking the Lord what he wanted me to do, only asking Him to bless what I put my hands to. The Lord blessed me in that for a season and there was fruit. As time went on, The Lord started closing some of those doors, at the time I didn’t understand why and usually  resisted. My heart was to serve the Lord and liked what I was doing, but the doors were closed.

     I have known people who achieved their childhood dreams, but their lives ended up in disaster. I believe that God has a plan for all of His children (followers of Christ). I don’t know if I have ever seen a Church that disciples and mentors believers by what God would have them do. Instead they lean toward talent, appearance, personality and so on. 

     In my own life, the ministries that the Lord led me to were places of some of my greatest weaknesses and dislikes. I like to read, but not to write and research. The Lord put me in a place of teaching and discipling people that required me to study, research, being organized and able to teach. Why? Because it required me to depend upon Him to carry me through. I am not a person who likes to be touched or touch people physically or emotionally, so the Lord led me to a healing and prayer ministry, again because I have to rely on Him to carry me through.

     Through my youth and early adulthood , I don’t remember ever asking God what He wanted me to do. It was usually asking God to bless what I put my hands to. (my plans and desires) Because of this Gods plans for my ministry was delayed for many years.

     In the book of Acts,  the Holy Spirit revealed Gods’ plan and specific instruction for the Church, starting with Jesus telling the disciples to remain in Jerusalem until they had been endued with power. (Pentecost) These were exciting times for the Christian Church. I wonder what the modern Christian Church would look like if we sought more direction from the Holy Spirit in training and equipping disciples. Instead of looking at talent,  we asked God has His plan was for the person. Talents such as looks, musical abilities, speaking abilities… are not spiritual gifts, God can use them, but He often uses those without these so that we would depend more fully on Him.

     In America, I’ve heard people say “life, liberty and the pursuit happiness” And that seems to be prevalent in the modern Christian Church. Our focus is on our possessions, positions, hobbies, recreation, and our idols. (Sports, actors/actresses, musicians…) The early Church had none of that, their focus was on bringing the Gospel of Jesus Christ to a lost and dying world, and that’s what they did. After Jesus ascended into heaven, the original disciples were in the upper room praying, breaking bread and studying the scriptures waiting for the promise of the Holy Spirit. They didn’t have focus groups, outlines and plans, they were waiting for the promise. It was only about 11 days when the Holy Spirit came. They were filled with the Holy Spirit and and went and turned the religious world upside down.

     In the Old Testament, God led His  people out of Egypt, in the wilderness, and into the promised land. In the New Testament, God led and equipped His people with His Holy Spirit to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the world. Preaching the Word with the power of Holy Spirit, followed by signs. gifts . Miracles and wonders. We don’t need to improve on that, we should follow their example. God “LED” his people period! In my experience I have not seen this happen in the modern Church. Instead of the Holy Spirit leading the Church, man is in charge. We have taken control and watered down the Gospel. Instead we teach people to preach with drama instead of allowing the Holy Spirit to fill His servants with His power and sending them out. 

     When I study end times in the scriptures, I believe we are nearing the end and Christs’ coming is soon. What would the Church look like if  we stopped pampering and entertaining the Church and sought the Lord for His calling on our lives asking the question “What would you have me to do Lord? What is the next step and your will for my life?”

     In recent times, we have been seeking the Lord for His direction for our lives. It is not easy waiting, but we want the Lords direction not my own best laid plans.Trying not to move forward without Him. I have not figured this out yet, but we are getting there, that’s what I am trying to do. 

     I have much to say about this subject as the Lord is working with me and hope to write more about in the future as the Lord leads.

     May the Lord bless and keep you and give you His direction.

Yours in Christ, Marty




Recently, a young woman named Ann Wilson wrote and released a song called “Let me tell you about my Jesus” It was written following a family tragedy and how Jesus carried her through.


I spent my 10th birthday in the Standring hospital in Burian, Washington,  I had cancer when I was admitted into the hospital and when surgeons operated on me it was gone. All that was left in the tumors was a trace of cat scratch fever, THE CANCER CELLS WERE GONE! My mom told me the surgeons were in tears and that it would be entered into a medical journal as a miracle. My Grandma and her Pastor had prayed for me and asked for healing. 

The following summer at vacation Bible school at Boulevard Park Church I accepted Jesus into my heart. I wandered away from the Lord through much of Junior and Senior high school. I was married 2 weeks after graduation and our son was born 3 months later. By this time I was an alcoholic. When I was 23, Joan had left me. Alcohol was destroying my marriage. At that time I returned to the Lord who had healed and saved me and my marriage. (We just celebrated our 46th anniverery)  When the Lord made it clear I could not drink, I said “I couldn’t do that, if this was Him speaking, He had to deliver me from this, and HE DID!  No withdrawl  or anything. There was nothing to compel me to drink anymore. That was over 40 years ago and I am clean and sober to this day. I have been serving the Lord ever since.

During my time away from the Lord, I know I hurt a lot of people, there are some I could never make it up to them except to say I am sorry. I pray that they would allow the Lord to do the same thing for you as He did for me.

These are uncertain times we live in but I have Peace about Gods’ hand upon me and my family. The same God who led me through the last 40 plus years will carry me to the end. I’m writing this to encourage the wayward Christians to find their way back to the Jesus, He remains the the same and is still there for you! If you have never given your life to Jesus, ask and you will find Him. 

Nobody can tell me I’m wrong, because I know my Jesus and what He did for me! Hallelujah

Tell everyone your story of salvation, wether it be words or the evidence of a changed life. Your story is important.

Send me your stories and I will try to post them.




Yours In Christ, Marty


The Devil is a Bully


1st Samuel 17:43-51

The Philistine said to David “Come to me , and I will give  your flesh to the birds of the sky and the beasts of the field.”

Then David said to the Philistine “You come to me with a sword, a spear and a javelin, but I come to you in the name of the Lord of Hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have taunted. This day the Lord will deliver you up into my hands, and I will strike you down and remove your head from you. And I will give the dead bodies of the army of the Philistines this day to the birds of the sky and the wild beasts of the earth, that all may know that there is a God in Israel. And that all this assembly may know that the Lord does not deliver nay sword or by spear. For the battle is the Lord’s and He will give you into our hands” 


Then it happened when the Philistine rose and came and drew near to meet David, that David ran quickly toward the battle line to meet the Philistine.

And David put his hand in his bag and took from it a stone and slung it, and struck the Philistine on his forehead, so that he fell on his face to the ground. 

Thus David prevailed over the Philistine with a sling and a stone, and he struck the Philistine and killed him. But there was no sword in David’s hand.

Then David ran and stood over the Philistine and drew his sword out of its sheath and killed him and cut off his head with it. When the Philistines that their champion was dead, they fled.


Goliath was probably used to nobody standing up to him, who in their right mind would dare challenge a soldier nearly ten feet tall? After taunting Israel nobody would meet him in battle until David showed up and introduced the Philistine to his God, the maker of universe. 

In recent times I have friends and family who have had a giant, cancer, COPD, covid, or demonic strongholds, and many other diseases stand in front of them and put a life expectancy  on them. The giants voice is loud and and boastful, he claims he speaks the facts. These Giants come to kill, steal and destroy. But we stand in the name of Jesus over them.

Jesus never met a sickness or disease he could not heal, He never met a demon he could not cast out. In John 14:11-15, Jesus tells us that we will do the things he did, believe it, walk in it and see what happens. We are called to have a relationship with Jesus, seek him and you will find Him.

I believe that Jesus Christ was born of a virgin, lived a perfect life, was crucified, died, was buried and the Holy Spirit raised him from the dead to pay the price for my sins. I believe the Bible is the Word of God and is alive today, open it up and seek Him and you will find Him. The Apostles knew this and walked in these facts, we should too. When the Devil tempted Jesus on the mountain, Jesus used scripture to put the Devil in his place. We must know His Word and speak it when the devil comes in like a flood. Get into his Word and know it!

This is a battle, we must not submit to or give up. We are filled with the Holy Spirit. When ministering to the sick or demonized we must not give up or lose hope. 

        The Battle Belongs To The Lord!

Be blessed and never give up, never be afraid to ask your fellow Brother/Sisters in Christ for prayer when facing your giant.




Yesterday, while we were worshipping. The Holy Spirit reminded me of John 20:19


                                          When  it was evening on that day, the first day of the week, and when the doors were shut where the disciples were., for fear of the Jews. Jesus came and stood in their midst and said to them “Peace be with you”


     Today. because of the quarantine, the churches are empty. In many cases Church services are watched online or by some other means. Gods’ people still come together at home and Jesus is there.

                                           Matthew 28:20.   “ Teaching them to observe all that I commanded you, and lo I am with you always even to the end of time.”

     The Church of Jesus Christ is not confined within the walls of any building, it is where his people are. It can not be stopped by any laws or quarantine. In many countries; Russia, China, Iran and many others, Christianity is illegal or greatly hindered. But that doesn’t stop the Church. 

                                       Don’t let it stop or hinder you. Just as the Church has always survived 

                                       It will persevere through this times.

     I pray that through all of these hard times you will allow the Lord to carry you through them all. Allow him to heal and comfort you in these times. 

                                       May the Lord who is able to do infinitely more than you could ever imagine give you peace and healing in these times.  Yours in Christ, Marty





The Bible speaks of King David more than any other of the kings in Israel and Judah. After he killed Goliath, he was taken in by King Saul and led the army to many more victories.

The women sang, “Saul has slain his thousands and David his ten thousands.’ (1Sam. 18:7)

From 1Samuel 16 to 2Samuel 24, and the first 2 chapters of 1Kings, we read of the life of David and his exploits. He is the king to whom all other kings are compared to. He is referred to as the “man after God’s own heart.” (Acts 13:22) Others are spoken about, good and bad, but David is spoken about the most.

   As you read 1st and 2nd Samuel and 1st Chronicles 11-29, you can see God’s hand on David and David’s heart toward God. These chapters speak of many servants of David who did great things, yet very little of the details are reported. It would appear that very few of them tried to bring glory or credit to themselves (Absolon, Adonijah, Joab…) But overall not much is known of their of their service. 2Samuel 23 speaks of David’s mighty men. You read names like Adino, Eleazar, Shammah, Abisha, and others. David was a great king, but he didn’t do it on his own. The Lord was with him. The Lord brought many great men to serve under him making it possible to accomplish what David did. Goliath had 4 brothers, each one was killed by some of these men who little was written about. All of these servants were essential to David’s reign.

   In the church today there are many great ministers of the Gospel, (preachers, teachers, etc.). God has raised them up and set them apart for His service. We know many of their names and testimonies. Behind these people are great men and women of God whom the Lord has called to support them.

   In the book of Acts we see many servants of Christ “sent” throughout the known world, first to the Jews and then to the Gentiles. These believers were called by God, trained, set apart, and sent.

   Steven and Phillip were examples of this. Both full of the Spirit and of wisdom. (Acts 6:1-6)

Steven and Phillip were, in a nutshell, busboys waiting tables, but the Lord was able to greatly use them. You have read sermons by Paul, Peter, Steven, but you don’t hear much from those who were with them. They were there in the background ministering.

   Most Christians never get the opportunity to preach, teach, or lead worship, but that does not mean that they don’t have anything to offer. It also does not mean that what they have to offer is any less inspiring or Spirit filled. We serve a personal God who sees what we do in private and rewards us in private. Sometimes it’s just the peace of God or the still small voice saying, “Well done”.

   In my life I have always been trying to prove myself before men and to prove my worth. I can’t explain it; maybe it’s the way I was raised or the circumstances in my life. Last year I was seeking the Lord for direction in ministry and the Holy Spirit gave me a vision of what I was doing at the time. At first it didn’t mean much, but as I thought about it, I heard the Holy Spirit say, “If this is all I have for you, is this enough?” I said, “Yes, Lord.” It meant not looking ahead hoping for what I didn’t have, but concentrating on the Lord’s work right where I was at.

     It has been an amazing year with the Lord. Jesus has quietly used me to minister the Gospel like never before. I have watched Him save, heal, and deliver many people. I believe in an ever increasing relationship with Jesus. I expect to experience even more this coming year.

       I am experiencing a time when I have been set free from trying to prove myself and justify myself before men. My hope/expectation is to see even more. It is the Lord who sees and knows how we serve Him. He is our rewarder. To hear the Lord say, “Well done good and faithful slave. You were faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Enter into the joy of your Master.” (Matt. 25:25)

Or, “Blessed is the slave whom the master finds so doing when he comes. Truly I say to you that he will put him in charge of all his possessions.” (Luke 12:44-45)

   To those standing behind their giant slayer, be encouraged. The God who equips you for the battle is the same God who sees what you do and rewards you for all that you have done for Him. Focus on what is before you today and do not worry about what tomorrow brings. Don’t allow the accuser to come at you and belittle what you are doing. You have a calling that only you can fill each day. Focus on that.

     I speak to the servants of the Lord who faithfully serve Him mostly out of sight. Your name and service are probably not known outside of your circle of friends and family, but God sees everything you do. He knows your heart. If you seek man’s approval or to be known by men, you will spend a great deal of time frustrated and disappointed. Know that God knows your name and sees all that you have done for Him. It should be enough to hear the Father say, “Well done good and faithful servant. Enter into your rest.”

   In recent years I’ve learned that my name, face, or deeds may never be known outside of my family and friends, but that’s OK with me. God knows and that is all that counts.