Current Bible studies: Please click on any of the following Bible studies: Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God Walking in the Shadow of a Giant Slayer The Holy Spirit part 1 The Holy Spirit part II Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God part II Wearing The Armor Of God Tribute To My Mom Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God. part 3  Do You Know Who I Am> Now What? Child Like Fath / A Mustard seed of Faith Child Like Faith/A Mustard Seed Of Faith Part II   WHEN THE WELL IS DRY My Files Guest Book Blog


In 2001, I spent many nights in the emergency room with Joan. Two of those nights the attending physician told me that he did not know if she would make it through the night. This was a result of C-dif, severe dehydration, possible kidney failure and number of other issues. Those were long nights. Through much prayer, Joan survived. Even though she was stable, she was never without complications and pain for the next four years.

                        In 2005 we started attending the “Life in the Spirit” class at Northwest Church in Federal Way. Eventually Joan received prayer for this and was completely healed. What was once trying to kill Joan was gone. She started to enjoy a life without pain and sickness. This did not leave without a fight. It was a fight each time she went for prayer, but she continued and the Lord set her free. It was a battle for a while as the sickness tried to return. But at the name of Jesus, it had to leave. We are facing an enemy who wants to destroy us. But we stand with the authority that God gives his children. In Genesis 32:26 we hear Jacob speaking to “The Angel of the Lord” saying “ Then he said, “Let me go, for the dawn is breaking.” But he said, “I will not let you go unless you bless me.”  Our continuing to seek healing was saying to Jesus “I will not let you go until you bless me” Joan’s healing was a battle we fought for a few years. Why? I don’t know. But I do know that she is healed and our pursuit was part of that.


            Most of the time, God does not work as we want him to. The Profit told Naaman to “dip himself in the Jordan river 7 times. This made Naaman furious, God was not doing it how Naaman wanted. When Naaman was obedient, his healing and restoration came. When we were members of the Northwest Church prayer team and Flames of Fire healing ministry, we saw the Lord heal many people. Sometimes it was instant and sometimes it came after they went home. Often times the Lord showed us things that needed to be worked through and other times it was as simple as saying “be healed in the name of Jesus.”  There is no set way or formula to healing. I think it’s that way so that glory would given where glory is due. Jesus is not only our savior but our healer. If the Holy Spirit is giving us instructions, our part is simple, obey.


            God’s giftings are free, we would do well to remember that. If Jesus didn’t charge for his services, why should we?  Naaman could not buy his healing; we should understand that we can’t either.


           Because he loves you and cares about you. That’s a good place to start. When Naaman returned to his own country, he no longer offered sacrifices to other Gods, only to the God of Israel. Naaman wanted to give glory where glory was due. I am certain that his household and all those around him saw the evidence and testimony of his healing. After Jesus cast all the demons out of Legion in Luke 8 and Mark 5, Legion wanted to leave with Jesus. But Jesus told him to return to his city and tell them about what the Lord did for him.

 I have experienced great healings in my own life as well as in the lives of people around me. I don’t say this to brag, I say it to encourage those who read this to not give up. I hold on to these testimonies and want everyone to know what the Lord has done for me. To those under attack the church needs to stand with them and not let the enemy take another life. In John 14, Jesus said that we would do the things he did. Plus even greater things, I believe him. Throughout the Bible, God did not have a backup plan. I want my statement to be “I will not let you go until you bless me”

I know of ministries who still pray for the sick and see healings on a regular basis. Just ask. Don’t let anyone or anything keep you from what God has for you.

May the Lord bless and keep you. And make his face to shine upon you.

In Christ, Marty Griffeth